Automotive Intelligence Insights
Part 8

This article is part of the weekly Insights Series, in which Automotive Intelligence shares techniques, tips & tricks that you can use to become a better, smarter car salesperson, even in the times of corona. Part 8 of AM-i Insights is about the summer period. The dog days of summer. How can we use this time as effectively as possible?
In parts 6 and 7 of AM-i Insights, we talked about ways to lock in behavioural change. The first five instalments of Insights will have given you a good idea of the techniques you can use to improve your results, but how can you make sure that you’ll apply them? We’ve already discussed the Ulysses Contract, the importance of a daily stand-up, making a realistic planning and linking new tasks to old rituals. For a quick refresher on ways to lock in structural change, check out parts 6 and 7 here:
Automotive Intelligence Insights Deel 7How are we doing?
It’s no secret, and we’ve even said so explicitly throughout this series: selling cars will be more difficult for the time being. The automotive industry may be ‘up against it’ for the foreseeable future, but so will many other industries. It’s good to realise this and to understand the consequences. On the other hand, it is also true that many people in the Netherlands are starting to wonder whether they might not be able to go on a last-minute holiday to Italy anyway, now that measures are being relaxed and new cases are becoming rarer. As it turns out, things aren’t that bad after all. That’s what we mean when we talk about balancing contentment and panic. The world isn’t going to end any time soon, but it’s important to realise that you’ll have to act in order to stay afloat. We created this series to lend a helping hand, and the information we’ve shared will be especially relevant in the coming months, because summer has arrived.
Dog days
Summer is usually a happy time: sun, sea, sand, high temperatures and plenty other reasons to be joyful. For dealerships, car companies, and retailers in other industries, however, summer can be an especially quiet time. It is tempting to use this as the perfect excuse to sit back, as everyone needs to relax from time to time. Then again, it would be unwise and irresponsible, given the times we are living in, to bask in the sunshine and wait for better days, because the free time you have now is very precious. Traditionally, October, November and December are very important months for dealerships in car companies, in which they can recover a lot of lost ground. At the moment, we do not know what autumn will bring: will consumers be willing to buy cars, or will the lean times persist? None of us have a crystal orb, so it’s better to play it safe by making the most of the time from now until October.

Now rather than later
It’s very easy to watch the days go by and wait for December, only to realise that you still have another 100 cars to sell to reach your target. By then, it will be too late, certainly if the trends do not substantially improve in the meantime. It is wiser to use the time you have as effectively as possible. Do you have an approximate idea of your quote-to-car ratio? In that case, you’ll know exactly how many quotes to prepare if you are to reach your targets in December. It’ll probably take more than a week to draw up all the quotes you need, which is all the more reason to work on them while you have the time. It’s all about anticipating the future.
Rome wasn’t built in a day
The only real negative with this approach is that imagining this huge stack of quotes on your desk can cause your heart to sink. The ‘mountain’ may seem too steep. If you find this happening to you, remember something we said in the previous instalment of Insights: set realistic goals and remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take a good look at everything you want to do from now until October. Now spread out your tasks evenly and finish them one after the other, until they’re all done. Ask for help when you need it and offer your help when you see a colleague struggling. Good sales reps can achieve a lot, even when times are bad, and this goes especially for good sales reps in a team where everyone is on the same page.
Share your tips and experiences
Help your colleagues improve their sales skills by sharing your tips with AM-i. If you have a golden tip or approach that works a treat with Online Consultation? Share your experiences by sending an email to and we’ll include them in AM-i Insights.
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